Thread Management [DEPRECATED]
[Device Management]


cudaError_t cudaThreadExit (void)
 Exit and clean up from CUDA launches.
cudaError_t cudaThreadGetCacheConfig (enum cudaFuncCache *pCacheConfig)
 Returns the preferred cache configuration for the current device.
cudaError_t cudaThreadGetLimit (size_t *pValue, enum cudaLimit limit)
 Returns resource limits.
cudaError_t cudaThreadSetCacheConfig (enum cudaFuncCache cacheConfig)
 Sets the preferred cache configuration for the current device.
cudaError_t cudaThreadSetLimit (enum cudaLimit limit, size_t value)
 Set resource limits.
cudaError_t cudaThreadSynchronize (void)
 Wait for compute device to finish.

Detailed Description

This section describes deprecated thread management functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.

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