Memory Management
[CUDA Driver API]


CUresult cuArray3DCreate (CUarray *pHandle, const CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *pAllocateArray)
 Creates a 3D CUDA array.
CUresult cuArray3DGetDescriptor (CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR *pArrayDescriptor, CUarray hArray)
 Get a 3D CUDA array descriptor.
CUresult cuArrayCreate (CUarray *pHandle, const CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *pAllocateArray)
 Creates a 1D or 2D CUDA array.
CUresult cuArrayDestroy (CUarray hArray)
 Destroys a CUDA array.
CUresult cuArrayGetDescriptor (CUDA_ARRAY_DESCRIPTOR *pArrayDescriptor, CUarray hArray)
 Get a 1D or 2D CUDA array descriptor.
CUresult cuMemAlloc (CUdeviceptr *dptr, size_t bytesize)
 Allocates device memory.
CUresult cuMemAllocHost (void **pp, size_t bytesize)
 Allocates page-locked host memory.
CUresult cuMemAllocPitch (CUdeviceptr *dptr, size_t *pPitch, size_t WidthInBytes, size_t Height, unsigned int ElementSizeBytes)
 Allocates pitched device memory.
CUresult cuMemcpy (CUdeviceptr dst, CUdeviceptr src, size_t ByteCount)
 Copies memory.
CUresult cuMemcpy2D (const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *pCopy)
 Copies memory for 2D arrays.
CUresult cuMemcpy2DAsync (const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *pCopy, CUstream hStream)
 Copies memory for 2D arrays.
CUresult cuMemcpy2DUnaligned (const CUDA_MEMCPY2D *pCopy)
 Copies memory for 2D arrays.
CUresult cuMemcpy3D (const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *pCopy)
 Copies memory for 3D arrays.
CUresult cuMemcpy3DAsync (const CUDA_MEMCPY3D *pCopy, CUstream hStream)
 Copies memory for 3D arrays.
CUresult cuMemcpy3DPeer (const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *pCopy)
 Copies memory between contexts.
CUresult cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync (const CUDA_MEMCPY3D_PEER *pCopy, CUstream hStream)
 Copies memory between contexts asynchronously.
CUresult cuMemcpyAsync (CUdeviceptr dst, CUdeviceptr src, size_t ByteCount, CUstream hStream)
 Copies memory asynchronously.
CUresult cuMemcpyAtoA (CUarray dstArray, size_t dstOffset, CUarray srcArray, size_t srcOffset, size_t ByteCount)
 Copies memory from Array to Array.
CUresult cuMemcpyAtoD (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, CUarray srcArray, size_t srcOffset, size_t ByteCount)
 Copies memory from Array to Device.
CUresult cuMemcpyAtoH (void *dstHost, CUarray srcArray, size_t srcOffset, size_t ByteCount)
 Copies memory from Array to Host.
CUresult cuMemcpyAtoHAsync (void *dstHost, CUarray srcArray, size_t srcOffset, size_t ByteCount, CUstream hStream)
 Copies memory from Array to Host.
CUresult cuMemcpyDtoA (CUarray dstArray, size_t dstOffset, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, size_t ByteCount)
 Copies memory from Device to Array.
CUresult cuMemcpyDtoD (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, size_t ByteCount)
 Copies memory from Device to Device.
CUresult cuMemcpyDtoDAsync (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, size_t ByteCount, CUstream hStream)
 Copies memory from Device to Device.
CUresult cuMemcpyDtoH (void *dstHost, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, size_t ByteCount)
 Copies memory from Device to Host.
CUresult cuMemcpyDtoHAsync (void *dstHost, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, size_t ByteCount, CUstream hStream)
 Copies memory from Device to Host.
CUresult cuMemcpyHtoA (CUarray dstArray, size_t dstOffset, const void *srcHost, size_t ByteCount)
 Copies memory from Host to Array.
CUresult cuMemcpyHtoAAsync (CUarray dstArray, size_t dstOffset, const void *srcHost, size_t ByteCount, CUstream hStream)
 Copies memory from Host to Array.
CUresult cuMemcpyHtoD (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, const void *srcHost, size_t ByteCount)
 Copies memory from Host to Device.
CUresult cuMemcpyHtoDAsync (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, const void *srcHost, size_t ByteCount, CUstream hStream)
 Copies memory from Host to Device.
CUresult cuMemcpyPeer (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, CUcontext dstContext, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, CUcontext srcContext, size_t ByteCount)
 Copies device memory between two contexts.
CUresult cuMemcpyPeerAsync (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, CUcontext dstContext, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, CUcontext srcContext, size_t ByteCount, CUstream hStream)
 Copies device memory between two contexts asynchronously.
CUresult cuMemFree (CUdeviceptr dptr)
 Frees device memory.
CUresult cuMemFreeHost (void *p)
 Frees page-locked host memory.
CUresult cuMemGetAddressRange (CUdeviceptr *pbase, size_t *psize, CUdeviceptr dptr)
 Get information on memory allocations.
CUresult cuMemGetInfo (size_t *free, size_t *total)
 Gets free and total memory.
CUresult cuMemHostAlloc (void **pp, size_t bytesize, unsigned int Flags)
 Allocates page-locked host memory.
CUresult cuMemHostGetDevicePointer (CUdeviceptr *pdptr, void *p, unsigned int Flags)
 Passes back device pointer of mapped pinned memory.
CUresult cuMemHostGetFlags (unsigned int *pFlags, void *p)
 Passes back flags that were used for a pinned allocation.
CUresult cuMemHostRegister (void *p, size_t bytesize, unsigned int Flags)
 Registers an existing host memory range for use by CUDA.
CUresult cuMemHostUnregister (void *p)
 Unregisters a memory range that was registered with cuMemHostRegister().
CUresult cuMemsetD16 (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, unsigned short us, size_t N)
 Initializes device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD16Async (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, unsigned short us, size_t N, CUstream hStream)
 Sets device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD2D16 (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, size_t dstPitch, unsigned short us, size_t Width, size_t Height)
 Initializes device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD2D16Async (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, size_t dstPitch, unsigned short us, size_t Width, size_t Height, CUstream hStream)
 Sets device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD2D32 (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, size_t dstPitch, unsigned int ui, size_t Width, size_t Height)
 Initializes device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD2D32Async (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, size_t dstPitch, unsigned int ui, size_t Width, size_t Height, CUstream hStream)
 Sets device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD2D8 (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, size_t dstPitch, unsigned char uc, size_t Width, size_t Height)
 Initializes device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD2D8Async (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, size_t dstPitch, unsigned char uc, size_t Width, size_t Height, CUstream hStream)
 Sets device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD32 (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, unsigned int ui, size_t N)
 Initializes device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD32Async (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, unsigned int ui, size_t N, CUstream hStream)
 Sets device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD8 (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, unsigned char uc, size_t N)
 Initializes device memory.
CUresult cuMemsetD8Async (CUdeviceptr dstDevice, unsigned char uc, size_t N, CUstream hStream)
 Sets device memory.

Detailed Description

This section describes the memory management functions of the low-level CUDA driver application programming interface.

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