Printing System =============== See the :ref:`printing-tutorial` section in Tutorial for introduction into printing. This guide documents the printing system in SymPy and how it works internally. Printer Class ------------- .. module:: sympy.printing.printer The main class responsible for printing is ``Printer`` (see also its `source code `_): .. autoclass:: Printer :members: doprint, _print PrettyPrinter Class ------------------- .. module:: sympy.printing.pretty.pretty .. module:: sympy.printing.pretty.pretty_symbology .. module:: sympy.printing.pretty.pretty_stringpict Pretty printing subsystem is implemented in ``sympy.printing.pretty.pretty`` by the ``PrettyPrinter`` class deriving from ``Printer``. It relies on modules ``sympy.printing.pretty.stringPict``, and ``sympy.printing.pretty.pretty_symbology`` for rendering nice-looking formulas. The module ``stringPict`` provides a base class ``stringPict`` and a derived class ``prettyForm`` that ease the creation and manipulation of formulas that span across multiple lines. The module ``pretty_symbology`` provides primitives to construct 2D shapes (hline, vline, etc) together with a technique to use unicode automatically when possible. MathMLPrinter ------------- .. module:: sympy.printing.mathml This class is responsible for MathML printing. See ``sympy.printing.mathml``. More info on mathml content: LatexPrinter ------------ .. module:: sympy.printing.latex This class implements LaTeX printing. See ``sympy.printing.latex``. See also the extended LatexPrinter: :ref:`Extended LaTeXModule for Sympy ` Gtk --- .. module:: sympy.printing.gtk You can print to a grkmathview widget using the function print_gtk located in sympy.printing.gtk (it requires to have installed gtkmatmatview and libgtkmathview-bin in some systems). GtkMathView accepts MathML, so this rendering depends on the mathml representation of the expression Usage:: from sympy import * print_gtk(x**2 + 2*exp(x**3)) PythonPrinter ------------- .. module:: sympy.printing.python This class implements Python printing. Usage:: In [1]: print_python(5*x**3 + sin(x)) x = Symbol('x') e = sin(x) + 5*x**3 Preview ------- Useful function is ``preview``: .. module:: sympy.printing.preview .. autofunction:: preview And convenience functions: .. autofunction:: pngview .. autofunction:: pdfview .. autofunction:: dviview