CUresult cuD3D10ResourceGetMappedPitch ( size_t *  pPitch,
size_t *  pPitchSlice,
ID3D10Resource *  pResource,
unsigned int  SubResource 

This function is deprecated as of Cuda 3.0.
Returns in *pPitch and *pPitchSlice the pitch and Z-slice pitch of the subresource of the mapped Direct3D resource pResource, which corresponds to SubResource. The values set in pPitch and pPitchSlice may change every time that pResource is mapped.

The pitch and Z-slice pitch values may be used to compute the location of a sample on a surface as follows.

For a 2D surface, the byte offset of the sample at position x, y from the base pointer of the surface is:

y * pitch + (bytes per pixel) * x

For a 3D surface, the byte offset of the sample at position x, y, z from the base pointer of the surface is:

z* slicePitch + y * pitch + (bytes per pixel) * x

Both parameters pPitch and pPitchSlice are optional and may be set to NULL.

If pResource is not of type IDirect3DBaseTexture10 or one of its sub-types or if pResource has not been registered for use with CUDA, then CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE is returned. If pResource was not registered with usage flags CU_D3D10_REGISTER_FLAGS_NONE, then CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE is returned. If pResource is not mapped for access by CUDA, then CUDA_ERROR_NOT_MAPPED is returned.

For usage requirements of the SubResource parameter, see cuD3D10ResourceGetMappedPointer().

pPitch - Returned pitch of subresource
pPitchSlice - Returned Z-slice pitch of subresource
pResource - Mapped resource to access
SubResource - Subresource of pResource to access
Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.
See also:

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